Our company produces dust bag for garments, bags, small leather goods, shoe bags and fabric bags in different sizes, suitable for any kind of product. Dust bags are essentially designed to protect goods made of delicate materials like hide and leather. They often remain an essential wardrobe item for the end customer to store clothes and accessories in.

Despite often being considered accessories of secondary importance, dust bag are gradually becoming an important part of the product unboxing experience. Refined packaging that includes shoebox, tissue paper or a quality dust bag can offer a complete buying experience, surprising the end customer with rich details and focus on product care.

Our custom dust bag are made with high quality materials and can be completely customised to best represent your brand. Dust bags can have a drawstring or zip for secure closure and easy access to contents.

Our company produces dust bag for garments, bags, small leather goods, shoe bags and fabric bags in different sizes, suitable for any kind of product. Dust bags are essentially designed to protect goods made of delicate materials like hide and leather. They often remain an essential wardrobe item for the end customer to store clothes and accessories in.

Despite often being considered accessories of secondary importance, dust bag are gradually becoming an important part of the product unboxing experience. Refined packaging that includes shoebox, tissue paper or a quality dust bag can offer a complete buying experience, surprising the end customer with rich details and focus on product care.

Our custom dust bag are made with high quality materials and can be completely customised to best represent your brand. Dust bags can have a drawstring or zip for secure closure and easy access to contents.


Our constant quest for quality and attention to detail reach far beyond the product. Through the years, our company policy has always been to care for our homeland, acknowledging it as the definition of the labours of our co-workers and of Made in Italy authenticity.